1. The area of responsibility of the Service Provider
- Problems with the operating system, any software installed on the virtual server by the Client are the responsibility of the Client.
- Problems with host machines and communications are the responsibility of the Company.
2. Rights and obligations of the Service Provider
- The Company provides technical support services to clients based on the Client's request through the personal account according to the tariffs published on the official website of the Company located at https://aeza.net
- The Company is not responsible for the operation of third-party software on the Company's servers, including software purchased from the Company.
- The Company's services are provided "as is", the Company reserves the right to review the rules for the provision of services, including pricing policy and tariff characteristics at any time, without prior notice and unilaterally, the new rules come into force at the time of their publication on the official website of the Company.
- The Company undertakes to maintain the proper quality of the host machines and eliminate all malfunctions in the shortest possible time.
- The company does not guarantee 100% availability of the network and host machines.
- All scheduled maintenance, updates and similar events are held from 0:00 to 6:00 GMT +3. Force majeure situations and unplanned work do not apply to this item.
- The Company is not responsible for the inability to access the services due to the fault of third parties.
- The Company reserves the right to stop the Client's services and servers for: Scheduled maintenance, due to DoS and network attacks, as a result of natural disasters and other force majeure circumstances.
- In the event of disputes or arbitrations initiated by the Client or their representative against the Service Provider, or requests from law enforcement agencies, the Service Provider has the right to examine the server and provide information in the dispute, arbitration, or to law enforcement agencies to protect their own interests.
- The Company has the right to change the prices of services up or down, having previously notified the client about it by mailing to the registration e-mail.
- The network connection speed of Shared, Dedicated, Hi-CPU, Storage VPS virtual servers is not guaranteed, the Service Provider has the right to apply temporary speed limits of 1 hour to virtual servers in cases when high network load of a virtual server negatively affects the network connection speed of virtual server services of other clients.
- Bonus balance are not a means of payment and the equivalent of a real currency, and therefore the Company has the right to change the terms of use of the bonus account without additional warnings to the Client.
3. Rights and obligations of the Client
- In case of blocking the Client's hosting due to a complaint and/or as a result of other reasons 1 (one) or more than 1 (one) time per month (network scan, outgoing DoS attacks, etc.) and the Client's failure to take action on the complaint received, the Company has the right to prematurely stop the provision of the service and block the Client without the possibility refund of funds.
- The Client has the right to use the Hosting for any purpose, except for purposes contrary to the norms of international law and the country where the service is hosted, regulating legal relations related to intellectual property.
- The Client is granted access (unless otherwise agreed) to the server and the Client bears all related responsibility.
- The Client has the right to install and use any software on his server, if it is legal and does not violate copyright and neighbouring rights, as well as the norms of the current legislation of the countries where the services are provided and the norms of international law.
- The Client is obliged to monitor the compliance of all posted materials, the software used, the content posted on the server, and be responsible for its compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the UK.
- All questions related to the performance of the Client's hosting are accepted only in support requests in the personal account at https://my.aeza.net
4. Rules and payment procedure
- If there is no payment for the next hosting period, the Company suspends the provision of services.
- When enabling the “Autopayment” option The Client authorizes the Company to debit funds from the linked bank account in the amount necessary to activate the services(s), taking into account the available balance of funds on the balance in the personal account.
- The Client has the right to disable autopayments at any time in his personal account at https://my.aeza.net
- The services are provided on the basis of 100% payment no later than 5 (five) business days from the date of payment for these services, unless the Company specifies a different period within 24 hours from the time of order placement.
- Payment by individuals is made only through electronic payments.
- Payment for Hosting is made on the basis of the current tariffs published on the official website of the Company at: https://my.aeza.net
- The commission of intermediaries and payment systems may be added to the payment.
- After the service is suspended or the paid rental period for the service expires, data is retained as follows:
- Up to 5 days, provided the service is paid for monthly or for longer periods, excluding Dedicated Servers;
- Up to 24 hours, provided the service is paid for hourly or daily, or for Dedicated Servers.
Once the specified data retention period has ended, all Client data associated with the rented service may be deleted without the possibility of recovery.
9. In case of receipt of full payment after the suspension of the provision of the service, the resumption of the provision of the service is carried out within 1 (one) hour from the date of payment.
5. Prohibited content and Software
- It is prohibited to carry out mass mailings, except in cases authorized by the Company itself.
- It is prohibited to post information that contradicts and/or is prohibited by the legislation of the UK, including civil legislation regulating legal relations related to intellectual property.
- It is prohibited to place software for botnets, grabbing, phishing, and other purposes that clearly contradict legal work on the Internet.
- It is prohibited to place services (including those with paid or private access) that can serve as auxiliary means for illegal actions on the Internet.
- It is prohibited to post pornography on the Hosting, including links and advertisements containing pornographic scenes.
- It is forbidden to place network scanners, proxy checkers and similar software.
6. Termination of the provision of services on the initiative of the Company
- The Service Provider reserves the right to terminate the provision of services at its sole discretion, immediately and without warning to the Client in the event of:
- Indication of deliberately false Customer data or refusal to confirm it;
- Defamation, dissemination of personal information, including personal data of third parties; violations of copyright, related rights and other intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization belonging to both the Company itself and third parties;
- Unauthorized distribution or copying of copyrighted software, violation of the laws of the UK, other international norms and agreements, export restrictions, fraud, trafficking in pornographic materials, drugs and other illegal activities;
- Mass mailing Spam (Spam) using the Contractor's equipment, while Spam is not limited to electronic mailing of letters and includes other generally accepted interpretations on the Internet;
- Posting pornographic content in all its forms, including links to other sites with pornographic content;
- Violations of the rights of persons to privacy; to personal, family secrets and other rights of persons; posting defamatory and offensive information, aiding and abetting ethnic hatred, murder, terrorism, violence in any form, as well as in the commission of other illegal acts;
- Hindering the normal and stable operation of servers, network resources, and the overall operation of the Company;
- Improper communication with Company employees, including the use of profanity and the dissemination of defamatory information about the Company;
- The Company reserves the right to transfer information about the Client in case of an official request from law enforcement agencies.
- If a replenishment is detected from a bank card that does not belong to the client, the company has the opportunity to restrict the use of the replenished funds and services of the personal account, access to the personal account, until the client confirms the fact of possession of the specified card. Otherwise, the company has the right to withhold funds free of charge to refund the amount to the owner of the bank card within up to 30 days.
7. The service provider is not responsible
- The owners of websites on the Internet, other Clients who have accepted these Terms of Use, independently determine the content of the material posted on the Internet. The Company is not responsible for violations by the Client of the rights of third parties, including the rights of copyright holders to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization.
- In case of violation by the Client of the current legislation (including civil legislation regulating legal relations related to intellectual property), the Company, after receiving a Notification or Claim from third parties, sends a message by e-mail to the Client with a Notification or Claim about the need to stop violations of the rights of third parties. This requirement of the Company must be fulfilled within 5 (five) days from the date of sending the message to the Client's e-mail. This period begins to be calculated on the next day from the moment the Company sends a message to the Client.
- In case of refusal or inaction of the Client within a 5 (five-day) period, the Company has the right to refuse to execute the Agreement and terminate the provision of services.
- In the presence of legal proceedings, in particular, on disputes related to the violation of intellectual rights of third parties in the case of satisfaction of both property and non-property claims against the Company, the Client who posted on the information and telecommunications network (including the Internet) the results of intellectual activity or means of individualization or acting as a co-respondent this case, is obliged to reimburse the Company for the full value of the satisfied claims against the Company within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of entry into force of the Court Decision.
- The Company is not responsible for the Client's choice of operating system, software and the consequences that this may entail.
- Prices and availability status for the domain name of a particular domain zone on the page https://my.aeza.net/order/domain It is not a public offer and displays the possibility of creating an application for registration, which can be approved or rejected by a higher registrar or a domain zone for reasons beyond the company's control during the period of provision of services in paragraph 4.4. If the company cannot register a domain name according to the created by the client of the application, within the framework of the cost paid by the client, the company reimburses in full the received cost of the service to the balance of the client's personal account.
- The Company is not responsible for any types of direct and indirect damage, loss of information, business reputation and other cases of damage.
8. Cost of Services and Payment Conversion Terms
- The prices indicated in the Personal Account are for reference only, do not constitute a public offer, and may differ from the final amount due.
- When paying for the Company’s services in Russian rubles, the Company uses an internal exchange rate that may differ significantly from the official rates set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or commercial banks, taking into account the Company’s transactional, intermediary, and other operating expenses for providing services in this currency.
- The final amount (including any applicable fees and the actual conversion rate) is always determined by the payment system and the Company, and is displayed to the Client on the payment system’s page or on the bank’s page or application before the Client confirms the payment.
- By confirming the payment, the Client agrees to the final amount. If the Client does not agree with this amount, they are entitled to refuse payment and choose an alternative means of funding.
- The Company does not provide currency exchange services under the current legislation of the Russian Federation and is not obliged to apply the official rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or commercial banks.
- Any discrepancies between the reference values in the Personal Account and the final amounts at the time of payment are due to external and internal factors (intermediary fees, cross-border transfer restrictions, payment for foreign services, etc.) beyond the Client’s control.
9. E-mail notification
- Refusal to receive notifications is possible only in case of complete closure of the client's account.
- Registration of the Client in the personal account at https://my.aeza.net it means the Client's automatic consent to receive informational e-mail messages, including offers of the Company's services.
- The Company disclaims responsibility for the Client's failure to receive important information messages via e-mail messages.
10. Refund of funds
- The Client has the right to cancel the contract and refund the funds for the full unused days of the Company's services, with the exception of SWE-PROMO and AMS-PROMO tariff services, if the Terms of Use have not been violated on his part. The remaining unused funds will be refunded to the Client if at least 30 (Thirty) calendar days have passed since the transfer. If less than the specified period has passed since the date of funds transfer, the Company has the right to refuse to withdraw funds to the Client before the expiration of such period.
- If the fact of fraud or violation of the Terms of Use was discovered on the part of the client, the Company has the right to refuse a refund;
- Hourly rate plans are non-refundable.
- Refunds are not made from the bonus balance of a personal account, as well as for bills and services paid from the bonus balance of a personal account. These funds can only be used to pay for our company's services;
- The amounts due to the Customer based on the results of the reconciliation of calculations must be refunded within 10 (ten) business days.
- Refunds are made upon request through the ticket system. The funds are subject to refund after reconciliation of the calculations.
- The cost of installing third-party control panels, fees for additional IP addresses and other additional services are not refunded. Refunds are only possible for Virtual servers, Dedicated servers.
- In case of violation of the terms of service, the Company has the right to refuse a refund to the Client.
- In cases where the client's actions directly or indirectly led the company to losses (blocking the server, subnet, etc.), the amount of costs is deducted from the refund amount.
- If less than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the Company's service, the Company has the right to refund 50% of the amount required for a refund to the Client.
- The Company has the right to withhold 15% of the commission from the amount of the Client's request for withdrawal of funds from the personal account or the amount of the Client's request for withdrawal of services in order to cover the costs associated with processing withdrawal requests.
- When funds are refunded, the commission of the payment system is deducted.
- A refund is possible only for those details from which the payment was made.
- Refund the funds to cryptocurrency wallets and WebMoney are not possible for amounts less than 10 euros.
- SWE-PROMO and AMS-PROMO tariff services are non-exchangeable and non-refundable, regardless of the number of unused rental days.
11. Service level guarantee
- Compensation is calculated based on a support request in your personal account at https://my.aeza.net
- Compensation is accrued only in the form of additional service days and cannot be paid in monetary terms.
- The company guarantees to maintain the availability of Hosting servers at the level of 99.8% per month.
- In case of violation of clause 10.3 of this Offer, every full day (24 hours) of downtime of the service is compensated to the Client in double amount.
*Full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this document (acceptance) is considered payment by the Client for the Company's services.
Official website: https://aeza.net
Personal account: https://my.aeza.net
Date of update: 03.09.2024